When is Wisdom Teeth Removal Necessary?
So, at what point is wisdom teeth removal the best option? For a variety of reasons, having your wisdom teeth pulled has been a normal procedure in recent years. These molars, which are sometimes referred to as “wild cards,” are prone to becoming problematic. Therefore, dentists prefer to remove them before they become a problem.
Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the rear of our mouths, and they don’t always need to be extracted if they’re healthy, have fully grown in, are biting correctly, and can be cleaned as part of routine oral hygiene.
When wisdom teeth don’t have enough room to grow properly, they might cause difficulties for the rest of your teeth. Dentists can predict problems with wisdom teeth using X-rays and scans of the mouth and jaw, which means you may not be in discomfort when your dentist advises extraction.
When is wisdom teeth removal the best option?
5 reasons removing your wisdom teeth is necessary.
Gum Disease
If you have gingivitis at the rear of your mouth, wisdom teeth removal is a smart option because these teeth are notoriously difficult to care for. Because there isn’t much space behind your wisdom teeth on your gums, brushing them properly can be difficult. The lack of room can also crowd your other teeth, causing them to crowd together and reducing your ability to clean correctly.
Gum disease is caused by a variety of factors, so wisdom teeth removal will not address the problem on its own. However, if you notice blood at the back of your mouth frequently, you should consult your dentist regarding extraction.
Non-Erupting Wisdom Teeth
Are your wisdom teeth refusing to erupt through the gum line, or have they only partially emerged? Wisdom teeth that do not fully or at all descend might swiftly become a health hazard. Cysts can form around the location of non-erupting wisdom teeth, for example.
Pericoronitis, a bacterial infection, is also common in people who have wisdom teeth that haven’t fully erupted. Pericoronitis occurs when the gums around an impacted tooth swell and get infected.
In these instances, wisdom teeth removal is often indicated.
Regular Infections
Bacteria abound in your mouth, some of which are toxic and others which are beneficial. When your wisdom teeth don’t fully erupt and only partially break through the gum line, dangerous germs have the perfect environment to develop and create an infection in your mouth. Pericoronitis is a disorder in which the back of your gums becomes inflamed and swollen because of a troublesome tooth. Unlike gum disease, this is something that can be resolved by wisdom teeth removal and thoroughly cleaning the surrounding area.
Damage to the jaw
Stiffness or pain appears first, followed by damage to the jawbones, which affects the mouth’s function and motility. Wisdom teeth, like all teeth, emerge from the jaws and through the gums, although this isn’t always the case, particularly when there isn’t enough room around the other teeth.
Some wisdom teeth become impacted in the jaw, causing other teeth to shift and even the jawline to shift. This can make it difficult to open your mouth and create pain. When left untreated, cysts can grow along the newly erupted molars, hollowing out the jaw bones and damaging the nerves of nearby, healthy teeth.
Pain and sensitivity
Only when your teeth are erupting for the first time, such as when you initially got your wisdom teeth, is it normal to experience pain in your mouth? If, on the other hand, all your teeth have made their presence known, any symptom of pain in your mouth necessitates a dental visit as soon as possible.
If you’re experiencing persistent pain around your wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth removal may be the answer. Tooth decay is quite prevalent in wisdom teeth due to their location, and if the infection spreads, you may have discomfort in a more critical tooth very quickly.
Ok so now that we understand when it is necessary to remove your wisdom teeth. But let’s look at the subject from a different perspective,
What happens if you don’t get your wisdom teeth removed?
While having wisdom teeth removal may seem painful, ignoring the problem can make things far worse. Some of the issues that can emerge if you don’t have your wisdom teeth removed are described below.
Pericoronitis: is a bacterial infection that can occur if your wisdom teeth do not entirely emerge from your gums, or if they emerge only partially.
Cysts: If your wisdom teeth fail to emerge at all, a cyst can form. This can harm your bone and gum tissue, resulting in even more problems in your mouth.
Impacted Teeth: If your wisdom teeth emerge from your gums in a position other than entirely upright, they are referred to as impacted teeth. They can be partially or completely hidden in your gums or even your jawbone. The issue with impacted wisdom teeth is that they are difficult to care for and can cause decay, gum disease, bone damage, and misalignment of the teeth.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Summary
When it comes to wisdom teeth removal, many individuals believe that it is better to be safe than sorry. Many things can go wrong in the future, and because it’s hard to anticipate what will, many people choose to have them removed as a precaution.
It’s also worth remembering that when a patient is younger, they’re a lot easier to remove. The bones in our mouth become harder as we age, making it more difficult to remove teeth and resulting in a longer healing time.
It’s critical to discuss wisdom teeth removal with your dentist before undergoing any treatment (s). They can explain the advantages and disadvantages as well as discuss your situation. You can decide what is best for you now and in the future by working together. And, of course, the final say on your health is yours to make.
We’re Here to Help at Dentistry on Main
Everyone’s wisdom teeth recovery time is different. Some people can return to their usual lives in a few days, while others require a week or more to reach their full potential. Book your appointment today to speak to your dentist in Brampton.
When looking for the best dentist in Brampton Choose Dentistry On Main
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